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HenyKat Services

Staged Sale Inside the Home

Stack of Boxes


Packing and Shipping for Remote Buyers

HenyKat provides the following Estate Services for liquidating chattel. Chattel is property not affixed to real property. Commission percentages vary according to the value of chattel being liquidated.

  • On-site Estate Auction

    • This is an auction conducted on the estate site that the chattel is located on. HenyKat organizes and sets up the items for sale.  Buyers come to the property on a specific date and the auction is conducted until all the items or sold or have received no bid.

      • Advantages: Minimal set up and organization expenses. No cost for moving chattel to another site. The ambiance of having a sale conducted at the site where the items for sale have been used is attractive to some buyers. This option is available at the least expensive commission rate.

      • Disadvantages: Some sites are not conducive to having a large number of people on the property at one time or have inadequate parking available. Buyers are limited to mostly local residents.

  • Estate Tag Sale

    • This is not an auction, but involves the straight sale of the chattel, typically over multiple days. HenyKat organizes and researches the value of the items and “tags” them with a fixed price. Buyers come to the property, sign a sheet to place them in a queue and remove tags from the items they want to purchase. Typically there is a period of time where the items are discounted to ensure that most items are sold.

      • Advantages: The asking price of items are at the top end of their value. Buyers have more options to attend the sale as it is not restricted to a single date and time.

      • Disadvantages: This type of sale may require a lot of time to set up. Some sites are not conducive to having a large number of people on the property at one time or have inadequate parking available. Having prices at the high end of the value of an item may mean more items are not sold. For some items that multiple buyers want, an auction may raise the price higher than the tagged price.

  • Online Only Auction

    • This is an auction conducted on, typically over the span of 2 weeks or more. HenyKat organizes, photographs and uploads the items for sale to our web site. There is a day or more for prospective buyers to examine the items for sale and a day or more for buyers to remove items they have bought from the site. The items for sale typically remain on the estate site until the time of pick-up, but they can be moved to our business location if that is desirable.

      • Advantages: This type of sale can attract more buyers because it is not as limited to local residents as other sales. It gives us the maximum ability to advertise and it gives buyers more opportunities to place bids, as the sale typically runs for multiple weeks. It doesn't require as much parking or space on the estate property to conduct.

      • Disadvantages: This type of sale requires the most set up time as each item for sale must be photographed and described.

  • Off-site Auction

    • This is an auction conducted at our business location in Fountain, NC. Items can be sold on multiple dates or not, as the client wishes. Items may also be listed online at our discretion. HenyKat provides all the labor, packaging and vehicles needed to move the items for sale.

      • Advantages: The estate is cleared of chattel rapidly and does not require accommodations for buyers.

      • Disadvantages: Sales tax must be added to the items for sale if they are moved. Buyers are limited to mostly residents of areas surrounding our business location, although with our online sales the buying audience can be expanded greatly.  It is possible, even though we do our best, that items may be damaged while moving them.

  • Estate Chattel Buyout

    • This option consists of HenyKat buying and removing the chattel from the estate property.

      • Advantages: The estate is cleared of chattel rapidly and does not require accommodations for buyers. The total price for items is known immediately.

      • Disadvantages: This option will probably not bring the most return on the sale of the items.

HenyKat can provide a turn-key service to you. You may choose any of the options above or even a combination of them. Our goal is to make the liquidation process easy and worry-free for you.

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